
Showing posts from October 28, 2023

LG Election: G18 ‘Progressive’ Baales, Ex Commissioners, Leaders Visit Akeem Olatunji, Vow To Deliver Oluyole

As preparation ahead of next year’s local government election in Oyo state draws near, a group of elite community traditional chiefs otherwise known as the G18 Baales have paid the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP Local Government Chairmanship candidate in Oluyole, Akeem Olatunji a visit to further plan ahead. Similarly, former Oyo state Commissioners for Environment and Industries respectively, Honourables Jide Adewale and Ayuba Balogun as well as ex state assembly lawmaker, Hon Lukman Salau, former Special Adviser to Governor Abiola Ajimobi, Engr Shola Shofowora and other notable political leaders in Oluyole have also visited Olatunji at his Sanyo private residence in Ibadan to assure him of their unwavering support ahead of 2024 council poll in the state. Oloye Kabiru Olajide, Baale of Aiyegun Oleyo, who led the G18 Baales to Olatunji’s private residence on Wednesday, October 25 said the former PDP Spokesman in Oyo state remains a pride of the local government and would not struggle to

SAN Wants Conclusion Of Election Petitions Within 60 Days, Before Swearing-In

 A Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN) Prof. Paul Ananaba has advocated for all election petitions to be concluded within 60 days and before swearing-in. The Supreme Court had on Thursday affirmed President Bola Tinubu’s election, 171 days after the opposition Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and the Labour Party (LP) lodged their appeal seeking to invalidate his February 15, 2023 win. But Ananaba is not happy with the length of the legal tussle and believes election petitions should be concluded before swearing-in. “There is no reason why every election petition in Nigeria cannot be completed within 60 days before anybody is sworn in at all,” he said on Friday’s edition of Channels Television’s Sunrise Daily.  “Why do we need 180 days for a petition? Another 60 days for Court of Appeal, another 60 days Supreme Court.” “We would say ‘Yes, the court has given judgment’. But it’s better if nobody has been sworn in and elections are taken clearly. Within two months of every election, including