
Showing posts from March 18, 2024

From Vision to Action: Governor Makinde's Impact on Education and Leadership Development in Oyo State By Yso Oladunni, a Member of the GSM Advocates

In a resounding declaration of his unwavering commitment to education and student welfare, Governor Seyi Makinde has once again demonstrated exemplary leadership by prioritizing the needs of students across tertiary institutions in the state. With a series of groundbreaking initiatives, Makinde is not only reshaping the educational landscape but also empowering the next generation of leaders. Governor Makinde's recent presentation of 28 brand new eighteen-seater buses to students of tertiary institutions and student bodies in Oyo State marks a historic milestone in the state's educational journey. This visionary move underscores Makinde's dedication to enhancing transportation accessibility and ensuring that students can pursue their academic endeavors without hindrance. The provision of these buses not only eases the burden of transportation costs but also symbolizes the government's unwavering support for student welfare. Hon. Victor Olojede, the Senior Special Assist

LG: We'll Collaborate With OYSADA For Agribusiness Dev, Relevant MDAs To Improve IGR–Akeem Olatunji

The Peoples Democratic Party's, PDP chairmanship candidate in Oluyole local government in the coming Council Poll, Akeem Olatunji has vowed that his administration would deepen synergies and collaborations with relevant state ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) in the area if elected to tackle prevailing economic challenges at the Council.  Olatunji added that one of such identified MDAs to collaborate with is the Oyo State Agribusiness Development Agency (OYSADA) stressing that Oluyole would leverage on the expanse of arable land it has to drive an agricultural revolution agenda.  Olatunji disclosed this on Sunday March 17 while featuring on an Ibadan based radio program on Fresh FM anchored by Abolade Salami.  Other areas Olatunji identified to form part of his top priorities are the primary healthcare and education which he said remain cardinal in the four pillars of the Seyi Makinde led government, assuring that he would consolidate on the achievements of the present ad