
Showing posts from January 21, 2024

PRESS RELEASE: *Ibadan explosion: No True Federalism in Nigeria- PDP Dep. Chair, Arapaja ... Leads Govt Delegation to Sympathize With Halleluyah, Other Victims*

The Deputy National Chairman (South) of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Ambassador Taofeek Arapaja has lamented that the system of government in Nigeria does not reflect Federalism in the true sense of the word. He therefore called on the Federal Government to make necessary adjustment that will pave way for the state governments to have legitimate control over salient matters that border on effective running of their respective states. Ambassador Arapaja stated this while reacting to the explosion that rocked parts of Ibadan city last week Tuesday shortly after he led the powerful delegation to the scene located at Adeyi Oyelese area, old Bodija Ibadan on Sunday afternoon to sympathize with the victims including a member of the Governor's Advisory Council in the State, Senator Hosea Agboola Hallelujah. Ambassador Arapaja who was short of words with the magnitude of destruction caused by the incidence, blamed the federal government for allowing foreigners to come and exploit th

Governor Seyi Makinde's Vision for Youth Inclusion in Oyo State Politics By Ajibola Ibraheem Tanwa

In the dynamic political landscape of Oyo State, Governor Seyi Makinde has emerged as a beacon of change, paving the way for a new generation of leaders. His commitment to fostering youth inclusivity in the political arena is evident through strategic appointments and opportunities given to young talents, echoing a transformative vision for the state. This article seeks to appreciate Governor Seyi Makinde's visionary leadership and its profound impact, spotlighting two individuals who exemplify the governor's commitment to youth development: Hon Abiodun Suraj Oloye-Tiamy and Hon, Qamardeen Mudashiru. Governor Makinde's foresight is reflected in his deliberate efforts to empower young minds, such as the appointment of Hon Abiodun Suraj Oloye-Tiamy as the Special Adviser on Education Intervention. Oloye-Tiamy's role exemplifies the governor's recognition of youth competence and dedication, providing a platform for innovative ideas to flourish within the education sect