
Showing posts from November 24, 2023

Former Anambra Governor, Mbadinuju laid to rest

  The remains of the former governor of Anambra State, Dr. Chinwoke Mbadinuju, have been laid to rest. The burial ceremony, which was held in his country home, Uli, in the Ihala Local Government Area of the State, was the culmination of three-day-long state funeral activities for the first Executive Governor of the State in the fourth republic. Advertisement In a moving and solemn ceremony, the former governor was laid to rest after an inter-denominational burial service held in his honour. The ceremony was attended by Governor Chukwuma Soludo, family members, friends, and former colleagues of the former governor. A police parade led the body of Dr Mbadinuju into the arena, followed by a bible reading by the family. Advertisement In his eulogy, Governor Soludo said that Governor Mbadinuju lived an impactful life, described him as a giant, and appreciated him for all the great strides he bequeathed to his predecessors. The governor assured to sustain the positive legacies of the former

Seyi-Bayo: An Evidence of Collaborative Leadership Driving Positive Change In Oyo State ...By Asiwaju Yso Oladunni, a Member of the GSM Advocates

  In a commendable move aimed at fostering a harmonious working relationship and preventing political crises, Governor Seyi Makinde of Oyo State made the astute decision to appoint a trusted individual, Barr. Abdul-Raheem Adebayo Lawal, as the Deputy Governor. This strategic move has not only prevented conflicts but has also put Oyo State on the map for the positive and peaceful coexistence between the governor and his deputy. Since assuming office, Deputy Governor Barr. Bayo Lawal has displayed unwavering loyalty, making him one of the most devoted deputy governors in recent times. The impact of Governor Seyi Makinde's decision is palpable in the state, with Oyo experiencing a more conducive atmosphere devoid of suspicion and instability. The cordial relationship between Governor Makinde and Deputy Governor Lawal has led to significant progress, showcasing that the right choice was made in selecting Barr. Bayo Lawal as the deputy governor. To further emphasize the importance of th