
Showing posts from June 8, 2024

The Truest Pace Setter: Governor Seyi Makinde's Transformative Vision for The Good People of Oyo By Omoniyi Afeez (OXYGEN) members GSM ADVOCATES

  In the heart of South-Western Nigeria lies a beacon of progress and innovation – Oyo State. At its helm stands a leader whose commitment to excellence has transformed the landscape and captured the imagination of her people: Governor Seyi Makinde. With a steadfast dedication to revitalizing infrastructure, nurturing a thriving workforce, and placing education at the forefront, Governor Makinde has steered Oyo State on a trajectory of unparalleled growth and prosperity. One can begin to read through his monumental accomplishments via the subheadings below: Governor Seyi Makinde's vision for Oyo State extends far beyond her borders, as evidenced by the meticulous attention given to the state's road network agency. Recognizing that quality infrastructure is the backbone of economic development and a chance to improve food sufficient in the state, his administration has undertaken an ambitious initiative to enhance connectivity and accessibility across the state. From urban thoro

Oyo Government Begins Verification Exercise for Selected Participants on Youth Empowerment Drive

The Oyo State Government has commenced verification exercise for selected participants for the Youth Empowerment Drive, an initiative of Governor Seyi Makinde Adminstration. The exercise will take place on Saturday at the Ministry of Youth and Sports in Secretariat  Ibadan, this is aimed at verifying the credentials and eligibility of the selected participants. According to the Commissioner for Youth and Sports, Ms. Wasilat Adegoke, the verification exercise is a crucial step in the empowerment program, which is designed to equip young people in the state with skills and resources to become self-sufficient and contribute positively to the society. "The verification exercise is to ensure that only eligible and qualified candidates participate in the program," Ms. Adegoke explained. "We want to make sure that the benefits of this program are targeted at those who need it most, and that the resources are utilized effectively." The verification exercise will involve the

Akeem Olatunji Conducts Staff Audit In Oluyole LG To Bolster Work Efficiency, Productivity

As part of strategic efforts aimed at enhancing operational efficiency, Akeem Olatunji, the executive Chairman of Oluyole Local Government has completed a comprehensive staff audit within the local government. The audit which was carried out during the week was geared towards ensuring the local government workers are alive to their responsibilities at workplace and to also earn the salary they receive.  Olatunji, who disclosed this in a statement on Friday, June 7 allayed speculated concerns that the exercise aimed at laying off some local government staff as false while reiterating his commitment to the welfare and well-being of the workforce in the council.  According to the Council boss, the audit was essentially to evaluate the current workforce, identify skill gaps, determine if there were 'ghost' workers, and streamline roles to optimize productivity. Olatunji emphasized the importance of a well-organized workforce in delivering effective governance and quality services t