
Showing posts from December 18, 2023

Oyo Civil Servants Get 13th Month Salary This Year, Says Makinde

  The Oyo State Governor, ‘Seyi Makinde, has pledged to disburse the 13th-month salary to civil servants in the state ahead of the New Year. Makinde made this announcement on Sunday night during the 2023 Christmas Carol Service with the theme “Unto Us a Child is Born” held at the Remembrance Arcade, Government House, Agodi, Ibadan. Taking to his verified X account, he shared, “Tonight, we celebrated the 2023 Festival of Carols and Nine Lessons under the theme ‘Unto Us a Child is Born.’ It provided us with another occasion to express gratitude to God for His mercies and faithfulness throughout this challenging year economically.” Advertisement Makinde reassured the civil servants in Oyo State, stating, “Consistent with our practice since 2019, I want to assure the civil servants in Oyo State that, once again, we will be disbursing the 13th-month salary before the close of this year.” It’s noteworthy that Makinde’s administration has consistently implemented the payment of the 13th-mont

Minister Of Women Affairs Orders Arrest Of Uyo Lawyer For Assaulting Wife

  The Minister of Women Affairs, Uju Ohanenye has ordered the arrest of an Uyo-based lawyer known as Mr Ebong for assaulting his wife in a viral video. Mr Ebong was seen in the video standing over his bloodied wife who was in her underwear, while several people intervened stopping him from beating her. A bystander also accused the man of beating his wife for more than four years Reacting to the horrible scene on Sunday via a post on X, the minister wrote that the “Federal Ministry of Women Affairs Nigeria has ordered the arrest of this demonized lawyer Mr Ebong, who must face the law squally and I promise this act can not be swept under the carpet.” Advertisement Hon.Ohanenye insisted the lawyer would face the law irrespective of the wife’s refusal to push for prosecution. “Even if the woman decides she doesn’t want her husband to be sued, due to family pressure. the man must face the law as justice will have its way.”  She also reiterated the Ministry’s commitment to ending gender-bas