
Showing posts from May 14, 2024

Ongoing Data Collection Yielding Results As Over 30,000 Artisans, Traders Set To Benefit From FG Grant–Oyo Govt

The government of Oyo state has disclosed that the ongoing data collection of traders and artisans in the informal sector have started yielding the desired results.  The state Commissioner for Trade, Investment, and Cooperatives, Otunba Ademola Ojo stated this today in his office at the Agodi Government Secretariat, Ibadan.  The Commissioner, who described the development as promising, disclosed that over 30,000 individuals are now poised to benefit from the federal government grant aimed at bolstering Small and Micro Enterprises (SMEs) as well as livelihoods of beneficiaries. The Commissioner stated that, of the over 30,000 already captured traders and artisans, no fewer than 10,000 individuals have received the sum of ₦50,000 each from the federal government's grant disbursements to support their businesses and sources of livelihood. According to the Commissioner, already registered traders and artisans have been segmented into various clusters based on their locations across the

Makinde's Ally, Otunba Seye Famojuro, Hosts Oluyole Chairman-elect, Akeem Olatunji After Electoral Victory

In the wake of the local government electoral triumph recorded at the recently concluded Local Government Poll in Oyo state, Otunba Seye Famojuro, a staunch ally of Governor Seyi Makinde, played host to Akeem Olatunji, the newly-elected chairman of the local government. Otunba Famojuro hosted Olatunji yesterday at the Ikolaba residence of the Governor during his courtesy visit to present his OYSIEC's Certificate of Return to the Governor's ally.  Otunba Famojuro was gathered to be a lover of Olatunji and a strong political pillar who was instrumental to Olatunji's electoral victory at the recently concluded polls. Otunba Famojuro, known for his unwavering support of the governor, spared no expense in honoring Olatunji's achievement while commending his political dexterity resulting in his triumph at the poll. Speaking, Otunba Famojuro praised Olatunji's dedication to the Oluyole and emphasized the importance of unity within the People's Democratic Party in advan