
Showing posts from June 26, 2024

Birthday Anniversaries: Akeem Olatunji Felicitates Alhaja Adedibu, Oyo Sports Commissioner, Wasilat Adegoke

The executive chairman of Oluyole local government, Engr. Akeem Olatunji, had expressed warm felicitations to two distinguished women; wife of late Ibadan political warlord, Alhaja Bose Adedibu and the Oyo state Commissioner for Youth and Sports Development on the auspicious occasion of their birthdays anniversary celebrations.  Olatunji in a statement he personally signed and made available to newsmen on Wednesday described the duo as two different versions of resilience, hardwork, and sources of inspiration to many others within and outside the state.  While eulogizing Alhaja Adedibu as a pillar of strength and support to many new generation of politicians, Olatunji stressed that her impacts on the political landscape of Oyo state during the lifetime and after the passage of her husband, Alhaji Lamidi Adedibu, could not be overemphasized.  Olatunji noted that both celebrants remain pillars of courage and strength inspiring thousands of other new generation of political class to pursu

Cholera Outbreak: Olatunji Holds Crucial Meeting With Stakeholders In Oluyole

As a strategic response to the cholera outbreak in Oyo state, the executive chairman of Oluyole local government, Engr. Akeem Olatunji has held a crucial meeting with stakeholders in the Council area in a bid to curb the spread. The meeting also focused on containment, raising awareness, and sensitization on the consequences inherent in non compliance to health and hygienic advises and directives by the local government and other relevant authorities. The meeting, attended by school administrators, market leaders, health officials, and community representatives, aimed to curb the spread of the deadly disease. Cholera, a waterborne illness, has surged in recent weeks across several parts of the South western part of Nigeria including Lagos, Ogun, and Oyo, prompting urgent intervention from health authorities across the affected states. In his address, Olatunji emphasized the critical need for collaborative action among key sectors to prevent any unforseen circumstances or casualties, so

Spotlight on Oyo State's Agricultural Renaissance Under Makinde By Omoniyi Afeez (OXYGEN) Member GSM ADVOCATES

Governor Seyi Makinde’s administration is revolutionizing the agricultural sector in Oyo State through a series of impactful initiatives. Fasola Farms, once a symbol of neglect has been transformed under Governor Makinde’s administration into a thriving industrial hub.  This revitalization has not only restored the farm’s productivity but has also created numerous job opportunities and stimulated local economies. "Currently, at the Fasola Agribusiness Industrial Hub, private investors are making significant investments in animal husbandry, drawing inspiration from the iconic Western Region project but with a modern technological twist. The cutting-edge cattle breed initiative at Fasola Agribusiness Industrial Hub is poised to not only supply high-quality cattle for commercial use but also produce large quantities of premium processed milk once fully operational. This innovative venture is set to revolutionize the agricultural industry in the region, leveraging technology to drive