
Showing posts from January 6, 2024

Oyo Govt Flags Off Disbursement Of Iresa Royal Foundation's Student Relief Loan For Iresa Adu Indigenes

Oyo state government has officially flagged off disbursement of zero interest student relief loan for no fewer than 96 indigenes of Iresa Adu in Surulere local government area of Ogbomoso geopolitical zone in the state.  The first phase of the disbursement held on Friday, January 5, at Iresa Adu Town hall, Iresa Adu and it is designed for both undergraduate and postgraduate students currently studying at various tertiary institutions in Nigeria.  Pioneer of the interest free loan, Iresa Adu Royal Foundation which is a non profit charity organization founded by Prince Adebayo Kayode otherwise known as 'Prince of Iresa' said the gesture was part of the organization's commitment to creating access to tertiary education for less privileged members of the community, saying beneficiaries will only refund the loan after graduation and gainfully employed so that such opportunity can continue to revolve within Iresa Adu.  The state Commissioner for youth and sports, Wasilat Adegoke

*Treasuring The Tawakkul And Noor Of Allah: Omi-tuntun Central Mosque's Decade Of Takwa, Aqeedah And Peaceful Coexistence Under Governor Seyi Makinde's Visionary Leadership* *By Asiwaju Yso Oladunni, a Member of the GSM Advocates 🌅*

*In the words of Martin Luther King Jr., "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." Governor Seyi Makinde's unwavering commitment to religious harmony and unity shines brightly as the Omi-tuntun Central Mosque celebrates her 10th year anniversary.* *A Beacon of Harmony: Omi-tuntun Central Mosque's Decade-Long Journey* Ten years ago, on January 6, 2014, the foundation stone of Omi-tuntun Central Mosque was laid, marking the inception of a symbol of religious unity in Oyo State. The mosque, commissioned by Engr Seyi Makinde, who would later become the Governor of Oyo State in 2019, stands as a testament to the Governor's profound belief in Allah's creed, dedication to fostering religious harmony and promoting piety which transcends personal beliefs for greater good. Governor Seyi Makinde, a devout Christian, has consistently demonstrated an exemplary commitment to fostering peaceful coexistenc