
Showing posts from November 22, 2023

Oyo Deputy Gov to oversee three Ministries, Housing Corporation

           Advertisement In line with the promise of the Oyo State governor, ‘Seyi Makinde, to assign Ministries, Departments and Agencies of government to be supervised by the state’s Deputy Governor, Barr Bayo Lawal, the Ministries of Culture and Tourism, Establishments and Training and Special Duties will now be overseen by the Office of the Deputy Governor. This decision was taken at the State’s Treasury Board Meeting held on Wednesday.                      Advertisement The Deputy Governor is expected to oversee the Ministry of Establishments and Training with a view to structuring the gratuity payments. Barr Lawal is also to guide the newly-established Ministry of Culture and Tourism, which was carved out of the Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism to drive Governor Makinde’s vision of expanding the economy of the state through tourism. Lawal, who was until his selection as Deputy Governor and running mate to the governor, the chairman

ร’pรกlรกmbร  nbu'go : A Quest for Dryness and Creativity in Nigeria By Bashorun Saintabey

  Opalamba nbu'go alaburela kuku, Gbiyanju fi nkan lee ori nitori ojo, Gboranmi di แบนlแบนru okuku mแป wipe, Oju แปjแป nse bi weliweli ojo rara Rainy days can often present challenges, such as the struggle to keep ourselves dry while going about our daily activities. One creative solution that comes to mind is placing an object on our heads to shield us from the rain.  As we embrace creativity and adventure, it is essential to consider the environmental impact of our choices. Opting for sustainable materials or repurposing items can minimize waste and contribute to a greener lifestyle. For example, wearing a hat made from recycled materials or using a repurposed object as a makeshift rain hat can add an eco-friendly aspect to our rainy day experiment. Kind-hearted individuals possess a remarkable ability to shine the light of the earth. Their genuine kindness, unwavering positivity, and acts of service illuminate the lives of those around them, inspiring hope, joy, and compassion.  In a w