
Showing posts from November 4, 2023

Gov Fubara apologises to Rivers people, commits to peace

  Rivers State Governor, Sir Siminalayi Fubara has apologised to the people of Rivers State for what he described as “the regrettable anxieties of the last few days” in the state. In a statement issued and signed by himself late Friday, the governor restated his willingness and readiness “to embrace the path to lasting peace and tranquility with a commitment to consummating all efforts and initiatives by Mr. President and other well-meaning Nigerians, including my brother Governors and the Elders”.  Speaking on the political turmoil that engulfed Rivers State beginning Sunday October 30, 2023, he explained that his visit to the Rivers State House of Assembly on Monday morning was to inspect the extent of damage by a fire that engulfed the complex on Sunday night. The governor in the statement said: “I consider it necessary to issue this press statement on the developments of the past few days in our dear state. “Late on Sunday night, 29th October 2023, I was inundated with reports that

State of the nation : The eye that sees the truth, covered with 'bribed' hands By Bashorun Saintabey

   In a world filled with deception and hidden agendas, there is an eye that sees the truth. However, this eye remains covered, obstructed by the hands of bribery. The power of truth is immense, capable of uncovering the darkest secrets and exposing the lies that surround us. But when corruption seeps its way into the system, the eye that sees the truth becomes clouded, its vision impaired. Bribery, the act of offering or accepting gifts, money, or other favors to influence someone's actions or decisions, has plagued societies for centuries. It is a sinister force that undermines the very fabric of justice and fairness. The hands of bribery reach deep into the pockets of those in power, blinding them to the truth and distorting their perception of what is right. When the eye that sees the truth is covered by these bribed hands, justice becomes a mere illusion. The scales are tipped in favor of the highest bidder, leaving the common man at the mercy of those who can afford to buy th