
Showing posts from December 4, 2023

Chief Benedict Akika Embarks on Road Grading Project, Uplifting Communities

  In a resounding testament to his unwavering commitment to community development, Chief Benedict Akika, founder of Omituntun Benedict Forum, the esteemed Agbaakin Olorundaaba Aba and Mayegun of Akobo, has once again risen to the occasion by initiating a road grading project. Advertisement The current phase of this endeavor encompasses the enhancement of vital arteries in various communities, including Lakuru, Yeosa, Delight Estate, Oroge, and Idi Ape. Chief Akika, a paragon of civic-mindedness, derives genuine joy from enriching the lives of his fellow citizens in multifaceted ways. Advertisement His latest undertaking involves the meticulous grading of roads, a transformative effort that promises to elevate the living standards of residents in these diverse communities. The communities of Lakuru, Yeosa, Delight Estate, Oroge, and Idi Ape can anticipate not just the physical improvements but also the positive ripple effects on their collective well-being.

Most Murder Cases Committed By People Under Drug Influence - Delta PPRO

  The Delta State Police Public Relations Officer, Bright Edafe, has stated that most murder cases are committed by persons under the influence of drugs. Edafe made this known on his X page on Monday, as he warned Nigerians to stay away from “self-damaging drugs.” He wrote, “SAY NO TO DRUGS!!! Leave Indian hemp A.K.A ‘IGBO’, leave codeine, leave tramadol, leave loud, leave Cociane, leave SK, leave all these self-damaging drugs. Advertisement “I am saying this to help the persons who know themselves. This is not the time for trolling but a time to look inward and ask ourselves, what do we truly want?  “Most murder cases and heinous crimes recorded are done by people under the influence of these drugs. The Police love you truly and that's why we are giving this advice.” Advertisement

PDP, LP’s Tanko Ask Presidency To Explain Funding Of Nigeria’s COP28 Delegation

  The dust generated from Nigeria’s 1,400 delegation to the COP28 Climate Summit is yet to settle as the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and the spokesman of the Labour Party (LP) presidential campaign Yunusa Tanko has asked the presidency to explain who funded the country’s delegates.  Since the country’s delegates number emerged, critics and opposition parties have condemned it, describing it as insensitive considering the harsh economic realities in the country. According to the PDP, the delegation is “over-bloated” and made up of “baggage of cronies, mistresses and other hangers-on associated with the Presidency”. “Our Party challenges the Presidency to come clean by making public the names of the official delegation sponsored by the Federal Government to the Conference, the relevance of such individuals to the Conference, and the total cost of such sponsorship on the nation. Of course, Nigerians have the list and they know the genuine, officials of sub-national governments and othe