Hajj: Sign long-term contracts with providers to reduce cost, CSO tells NAHCON

The Independent Hajj Reporters, a faith-based civil society organization has advised the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON) and State Muslim Pilgrims Welfare Boards and Agencies (SMPWBAs) to commence the signing of long-term contracts with Saudi Arabia providers in order to bring down the rising cost of hajj occasioned by the high foreign exchange rate of the dollar to the Naira. The CSO also called on NAHCON to consider reducing the number of Saudi-based service providers to create room for effective coordination and impactful supervision by both the commission and the States. These recommendations were given by IHR in a statement on Wednesday signed by its national coordinator, Ibrahim Mohamed “Liaising with over 20 or more service providers during hajj creates multiple operational challenges for the apex hajj regulatory body and inhibits the smooth process of systematisation,” IHR said. IHR also said Hajj services to Nigerian pilgrims like accommodation, feedin...